To have no care of wrong or right – a villanelle

March 9, 2007


To have no care of wrong or right
have no thought but to decree,
soar and see as a hawk in flight.

Fly from dark into light
hold no sense of history
to have no care of wrong or right.

Wire your brain to plumes that fright,
know only what you need to be;
soar and see as a hawk in flight.

See the red as black and white,
kill and eat the flesh, be free
to have no care of wrong or right.

Practice not duty nor requite.
Scree hemic cries of victory.
Soar and see as a hawk in flight.

Have no pretense but your might
Take no knowledge from the tree.
To have no care of wrong or right,
soar and see as a hawk in flight.

8 Responses to “To have no care of wrong or right – a villanelle”

  1. Great images in the poem; AMAZING image in the photo. It’s almost Mardi Gras meets pro-wrestler meets Rambo. Is it you?

  2. fencer Says:

    Hi qazse,

    Interesting thoughts and great picture, as jules notes. Dance of the Rooster or something going on there…


  3. qazse Says:

    Jane – I like the description. It is a punching bag man which I dress up. You will be seeing more of him.

    fencer, yes something primeval going on…

  4. davidbdale Says:

    Quaze. For me, this is your cave wall. This one lasts. It doesn’t matter that it has contemporary relevance. It will always mean hawk to anyone who reads it. Man as hawk. Nice work.

  5. qazse Says:

    David – thank you so much. I am impressed you recall the cave wall.

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  7. c Says:

    At least the hawk has its reason- it is an animal doing what it must to survive.

    What’s his excuse?

  8. qazse Says:

    not enough humanity?

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