the devil makes me do it

March 16, 2009

Rather than deny
our beastly origins,

let us embrace
the little monsters.

We cannot teach those
we do not embrace.

We tend to kill them.

Were Bush a wiser man:

February 5, 2009

I am pleased to announce Mr. Hussein has agreed to comprehensive oversight by the United Nations and disarmament (if needed). This will allow us to to focus on addressing terror worldwide.   It can also move us closer to enduring positive peace.

Why is the far right the keepers of who is “American” and who is
not? I would leave that to the Native Americans.

To my Roman Catholic brothers and sisters: Go ahead and vote on one
issue. But remember, your votes put George W. Bush in office. Therefore, you share in the responsibility for making this world a geometrically nastier and more impoverished place in which to birth a child. (Thereby, ironically, increasing the probability of an already overwhelmed pregnant mother choosing abortion) You are so preoccupied with the unborn that you have allowed the born to be doomed to the cesspools of the ever expanding slums of this earth.

Always remember, it was the Bush administration who dismissed the warnings about bin Laden from the Clinton people. Bush was such a myopic fool.

I believe the neo-cons half wanted something to happen. They wanted an excuse to invade Iraq; a Gulf of Tonkin, a “remember the Maine”. They got more shit than they ever anticipated on September 11. Just as they got more shit than anticipated when they invaded Iraq. Did they suppose their “enemies” were like those in a Bond movie: diabolical but relatively impotent and easily defeated? I can see Bush, Chaney and Rove consulting the library (a bible and 3,000 DVDs) to review how James Bond escaped the bad guys by sledding down a ski slope in a cello case. They surely drooled on their ties.

Is the bloody saga of the white man’s displacement, erasure, and
marginalization of Native Americans a model for Christian relations with Muslims? Or Muslim’s with Christians? Convert or hurt! Only madmen would think that, you say.

All that is required –
blind obedience

to the keepers
of the “truth”.

Belief in the The Apocalypse of John posits peace as unattainable
until the second coming of Christ.

Until there is a worldwide conflagration and a Christ based theocracy –
peace is considered impossible.

How can Armageddonists conduct sane foreign policy when they believe in such inevitabilities?

Armageddon Oops

September 25, 2008

What if bricks fly
like leaves in a hurricane

cellos burn like straw

fingers like napalm

lips like tissue.

Will you hail
the second coming?

In the middle of town they stood on each corner
yelling words they believed to be God’s.
Their silent wives held signs as if crosses.
The pictures of Jesus dripped Ashouran blood.

Yet another tear parade.
(We have all been wronged.)

Mohammad and Jesus in an elevator stuck.
Would they battle or avoid the others’ eye?
Embrace as a force of love?
Divide the world like bloody soul pie?

I would bet on love.
I would bet on love again.

Dying in some cesspool place
no chance to embrace YOUR divinity.
Condemned by GOD to more suffering,
I want no part of such DEITY.

Sure we wanted our vengeance.
But it wasn’t all black and white.

Our leaders had but one vision
through the eye of a gunner’s sight.

you believe
your group
is inherently

the Bush Lecture Tour:

August 10, 2008


How Not to Lead

Mismanagement 101

Ignore Historical Wisdom

Facilitating Theocracy

Turn Challenge into Nightmare

Pubelic Specking

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