don’t inventory

August 22, 2009

it all

small mansion
two warm voices

dirt hut
two warm voices

Dear Bishop

November 18, 2008

and what about the violence
once they leave the womb?

In the middle of town they stood on each corner
yelling words they believed to be God’s.
Their silent wives held signs as if crosses.
The pictures of Jesus dripped Ashouran blood.

Yet another tear parade.
(We have all been wronged.)

Mohammad and Jesus in an elevator stuck.
Would they battle or avoid the others’ eye?
Embrace as a force of love?
Divide the world like bloody soul pie?

I would bet on love.
I would bet on love again.

Dying in some cesspool place
no chance to embrace YOUR divinity.
Condemned by GOD to more suffering,
I want no part of such DEITY.

concrete god

June 11, 2008

Is God not concrete
enough for you?

Do you need more
than knowing?

Do you need
tricks and promises?
channelers and experts?
pomp and ceremony?

the fear of hell?

Farmer prays for rain.
Builder prays for none.
Each one asks the Lord
to be His chosen one.


April 17, 2008

What is to fear in a Sea of Joy?
What is to fear in a Great Spirit?
What is to fear in a Loving God?

Peace Is Free

January 27, 2008

You don’t have to get cleansed
cleared or confirmed

You don’t have to pay tribute

Peace is as free as your next breath
your next smile

January 25, 2008

God’s love is perfected in us.

– Martin Luther King Jr.

spiritual guests

January 16, 2008


We are spiritual guests on this earth
and should not join in the killing cycle.