If you want to love Jesus

December 11, 2008

He looks like this:

street beggar.jpgstreetgirl.jpghomeless.jpgstarvingbaby150.jpg

Not this:

jesus-pastor.jpgjesus 6.jpgjesus 5.jpgjesus4.jpgjesus2.jpg

Why is the far right the keepers of who is “American” and who is
not? I would leave that to the Native Americans.

To my Roman Catholic brothers and sisters: Go ahead and vote on one
issue. But remember, your votes put George W. Bush in office. Therefore, you share in the responsibility for making this world a geometrically nastier and more impoverished place in which to birth a child. (Thereby, ironically, increasing the probability of an already overwhelmed pregnant mother choosing abortion) You are so preoccupied with the unborn that you have allowed the born to be doomed to the cesspools of the ever expanding slums of this earth.

Always remember, it was the Bush administration who dismissed the warnings about bin Laden from the Clinton people. Bush was such a myopic fool.

I believe the neo-cons half wanted something to happen. They wanted an excuse to invade Iraq; a Gulf of Tonkin, a “remember the Maine”. They got more shit than they ever anticipated on September 11. Just as they got more shit than anticipated when they invaded Iraq. Did they suppose their “enemies” were like those in a Bond movie: diabolical but relatively impotent and easily defeated? I can see Bush, Chaney and Rove consulting the library (a bible and 3,000 DVDs) to review how James Bond escaped the bad guys by sledding down a ski slope in a cello case. They surely drooled on their ties.

Is the bloody saga of the white man’s displacement, erasure, and
marginalization of Native Americans a model for Christian relations with Muslims? Or Muslim’s with Christians? Convert or hurt! Only madmen would think that, you say.

Ask Mister Helpful

July 31, 2008


Dear Mister Helpful,

I love to eat at McDonald’s because it is cool and the food is really really good. But every time I eat there I feel sick about 45 minutes later. What should I do?

Signed, Nauseous in Nashua


Dear Nauseous,

Try eating 45 minutes earlier.

I’m lovin’ it,

Mr. H.

before you place
money in hand –
blow off the dead
like dust


Class Warfare ?

May 28, 2008

Why not?
The rich are already
kicking our asses

grieving mother

the multitude of smiles

Dear Bishop

March 7, 2008

and what about the violence
once they leave the womb?

a new year thought

January 1, 2008


and Prosperity
for the Poor

(for a change)


Put yourself on the cover
of every issue.
Name it after you.

Live in a mansion
with fourteen bathrooms
and only two asses.

Build an exclusive school
amidst great need –
create clones of yourself.

Go orgasmic over
shiny things
as if they bring happiness.

When I Become Santa

December 14, 2007

We move operations south
to Newark, Watts, Bronx
East LA and ten thousand
other empty places.

We begin to make toys for souls.

Peaceful and playful
thoughtful and joyous toys.

unafraid and knowing –
we will walk this earth
giving gifts.

image source